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Friday, July 31, 2020

How to Manage Caregiving for Schizophrenia

How to Manage Caregiving for Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Print Caregiving for Schizophrenia By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on February 09, 2020 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on February 09, 2020 Getty / kate_sept2004 More in Disorders Schizophrenia Addiction ADHD Eating Disorders Social Anxiety Disorder Bipolar Disorder BPD Depression OCD GAD Panic Disorder PTSD View All In This Article Table of Contents Expand What Is Schizophrenia? Effects of Schizophrenia Need for Knowledge Basic Daily Needs Treatment Social Support Self-Care Crisis Plan Coping Skills Dealing with Stigma Living Arrangements View All Back To Top Caregiving for schizophrenia is often provided by family members or other close persons and plays an important role in ensuring that people with this mental illness are able to live life to the fullest. However, its natural for caregivers of persons with schizophrenia to experience feelings of frustration, stress, and helplessness when placed in this role. As a caregiver, you have to serve as both a support system for your family member and a liaison for their medical care. In other words, you are juggling many different responsibilities with a steep learning curve and its simply not easy. Not only do you need to quickly learn about and understand the illness and the broad range of behaviors that it can involve, but you also need to determine how best to provide care without overstepping or creating undue stress. Its a delicate balancing act that is not easy, to say the least. However, when done right it provides the best chance for the person with schizophrenia to thrive. What Is Schizophrenia? If you are a caregiver for someone with schizophrenia, you likely are already familiar with the signs and symptoms of this mental illness as shown below. A diagnosis of schizophrenia requires that two or more of the following criteria be met for at least a one-month period, of which at least one of them must be the first three symptoms on the list: delusionshallucinationsdisorganized speechgrossly disorganized or catatonic behaviornegative symptoms such as diminished emotional expression In addition, there must be impairment in work, interpersonal relations, or self-care for a significant period of time. As well, signs of the illness must have lasted for at least six months and include at least one month of symptoms that match the ones listed above. In order to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, it is also necessary to rule out other illnesses as the cause of symptoms such as schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, depressive disorder with psychotic features, use of substances, another medical condition, or autism spectrum or communication disorder. An Overview of Schizophrenia Effects of Schizophrenia Beyond the diagnostic criteria, a person with schizophrenia will show a number of signs of the illness that affect their daily life. These include the following: reacting inappropriately to situations (e.g., laughing at sad news)sleep patterns that are disturbedanger, anxiety, depression, or phobiasfeeling disconnected from oneselffeeling like things around them arent realproblems with language, memory, and executive functionan inability to see that ones symptoms are caused by illnessfailure to properly interpret social situationsbecoming hostile or aggressive toward others Need for Knowledge As a caregiver, the more you know about schizophrenia, the better equipped you will be to help your family member. Do your part by learning about the symptoms, treatments, prognosis, and other details so that you are better prepared to be effective in this role. Basic Daily Needs A person with schizophrenia may need help with basic daily life tasks, and as the caregiver, it is part of your role to help with the organization of these tasks. If you are not naturally an organized person or are already struggling with your own daily life, you may want to consider whether the caregiver role is right for you. You may need to help with things such as scheduling appointments, transportation to appointments, creating routines and a predictable environment, and setting realistic goals. Treatment A person with schizophrenia will likely be taking a prescription medication and perhaps receiving therapy. As a caregiver, you also have tasks related to these areas. Medication Some of the tasks you might find yourself involved with include: picking up medicationmonitoring use of medicationwatching for side effects and bringing these to the attention of the doctor or psychiatrist so that medications can be switched or other medications added to counter the side effectsencouraging the person with schizophrenia to take their medication regularlyusing a medication calendar to keep track of useencouraging use of a pillbox or timerhelping with long-acting injectable medicationsstaying on top of potential drug interactionskeeping a list of medications and supplements that are being takenensuring that alcohol and drugs are not mixed with medicationkeeping a medication log so you can see what is working Therapy A person with schizophrenia may also attend therapy to manage symptoms. Examples might include cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, life skills training, or social skills training. Your role as the caregiver could be to assist in getting the person to therapy, ensure that therapy is continued, or help with homework assignments. Social Support One of the critical pieces of the puzzle when caregiving for a person with schizophrenia is to ensure that both you and the other person have adequate social support. Social Support for the Person with Schizophrenia Below are some of the social supports that you as the caregiver may want to ensure are in place for the person with schizophrenia. Its important to realize that you cant do this all by yourself and that you will need to have backup help to do things like driving the person to appointments, taking them to the movies or visiting, or bringing meals. respite care (ask the doctor or caseworker for referrals)friends/family who have offered to helphire a coordinator (e.g., pay someone $100 a month to spend 5 hours building a support system for your loved one)other sources of support (e.g., shelter workers, roommates, case managers, clergy) Social Support for the Caregiver Dont forget about supporting yourself! It can be physically and emotionally exhausting looking after a person with schizophrenia. The more support that you have for yourself, the better you will be able to provide excellent care. Below are some ideas: join a support group with other people who are also caregiverscontact the National Alliance on Mental Illness for ongoing programs to support caregivers of those with mental illnesscontact Schizophrenics Anonymous for resources for friends/familytalk to friends, family, clergy, or a therapist if you are feeling burnt out Self-Care Practicing good self-care is important both for the person with schizophrenia and the caregiver. This doesnt mean just taking bubble baths; it means doing basic things to ensure that your well-being is a priority. Below are some examples: getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each dayeating a healthy, balanced dietnot abusing alcohol or drugsusing relaxation techniquesspending time with friendsgetting enough sleepengaging in enjoyable activitiesusing mindfulness or breathing techniquesmaintain a sense of humor Remember that the illness will take an emotional toll on both of you in terms of feeling frustrated, angry, fearful, guilty, or helpless. Always be sure to meet your own needs first and be accepting of the negative feelings that you have so that you find ways to cope instead of ignoring the problem. Crisis Plan Do you have a plan of what you will do in a crisis situation? The first thing to know is the signs of relapse, such as trouble sleeping, social withdrawal, lack of personal hygiene, paranoia, hostility, hallucinations, etc. As a caregiver for a person with schizophrenia, its important to know what to do in a crisis. Below are some key things you should have in place: all contact information (doctor, therapist, hospital, family and friends to provide childcare if needed)a plan on how to deal with acute psychosis (remain calm, validate underlying fears, dont argue about the delusions, and gently redirect conversations to safe topics)a plan to get them help (suggest seeing the doctor for a specific symptom such as insomnia; if they are resistant, let them choose which professional to see so that they feel more in control) Remember that as a caregiver, your job is to advocate for your family member even when they might be turning against you. You need to help the doctor understand the situation and stay connected to the treatment plan. Without your help, your loved one may not be able to manage basic tasks like eating, dressing, and finding shelter in a crisis. Remember that the sooner you can get them help, the better off they will be. Above all else, be sure to discuss the emergency care plan with the person when they are not in crisis. This will help reduce the feeling of being threatened when you actually find yourself in the situation. Finally, keep a diary of symptoms so that you can quickly tell when things have changed and relapse may have begun. Coping Skills/Self Help The more that a person with schizophrenia can do for themselves, the better off they will be in terms of their own self-esteem and having hope for the future. For this reason, as a caregiver, you should be encouraging the use of coping skills and self-help strategies for areas of life that are affected by the illness. For example, you could help your family member to set realistic goals that encourage taking action and striving for success in life, while at the same time alleviating some stress for this individual. In this way, you are helping to empower the person with schizophrenia by helping them to do all that they are capable of doing. Dealing with Stigma As a family caregiver, you might also worry about stigma that you may face due to the behavior of the person with schizophrenia. You might even feel tempted to hide their illness; however, this will only reinforce the stigma. Instead, try to be accepting of their illness while also working toward them living the best life possible. Living Arrangements A person with schizophrenia needs a stable place to live. Deciding where that will be depends on how well they can care for themselves and how much supervision they need. Living with the caregiver is often the best option if feasible, unless the person has serious issues that require a more supervised environment, such as substance abuse, medication refusal, or other behavioral issues. If there are other people in your home, its also important to consider the impact on them, particularly young children. Other options include a residential treatment facility or 24-hour care facility, a group home, or a supervised apartment. A Word From Verywell If you are a caregiver for a person with schizophrenia, it is important to strike a balance between providing the best care that you can and not burning yourself out. If you find that you are struggling to provide help, reach out to the care team and ask for referrals for support. While it may be tempting to try and do it all yourself, the role you have taken on involves a great deal of strain, and you will eventually need support. At the very least, try to join a group that can offer you support and with whom you can discuss problems and find solutions. Finally, be aware that your role as caregiver is crucially important for the person with schizophrenia. In a very literal sense, you may be the only one keeping that person from unemployment, homelessness, and other negative consequences of the illness. You should be proud of the work you are doing and recognize how critically important it is. Never underestimate the difference you are making for that person and how much their life has been impacted through your help. Living With Schizophrenia

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Essay Topics For Placement Test

<h1>Essay Topics For Placement Test</h1><p>The exposition subjects for the situation test can be an extremely requesting as you need to utilize both your qualities and shortcomings when composing the test. This won't possibly help you when composing the article, however it will likewise help you while going in for a meeting or a prospective employee meet-up. Along these lines, it is significant that you pick the point wisely.</p><p></p><p>You can get extremely innovative by picking the correct subject. You can likewise think about with respect to which some portion of the subject is your top pick. This can assist you with thinking of the best thought. Here are a few instances of points for your paper themes for the position test.</p><p></p><p>One of the best thoughts is to compose short articles, which examine things that intrigue you. These could incorporate various themes that you are keen on some other subject that you might want to expound on. Accordingly, you will get heaps of opportunity when you are composing on these topics.</p><p></p><p>Writing for the point ought to likewise be finished with the assistance of certain subjects that you have taken in previously. For instance, in the event that you have taken commonly in law, at that point you should utilize themes in the legitimate field, to assist you with getting the thoughts that you need. You could likewise think about certain sorts of history or political examination to help you in the point. In the event that you are wanting to compose the point yourself, at that point you ought to likewise mull over the way that on the off chance that you don't know about the subject, you will think that its hard to locate the best answers.</p><p></p><p>The theme is significant, however it is additionally critical to discover good thoughts for the point. This should be possible by taking a gander at s ome online sources and utilizing the data. Ensure that you have the best data accessible. Attempt to explore all the more so you will have the option to think of the best paper points for the position test.</p><p></p><p>If you can't concoct the best thoughts on the web, you can in any case investigate the web and see what you can discover there. There are numerous sources that you can counsel so you will comprehend what point would function admirably for you.</p><p></p><p>Also, you should ensure that you have explored the subject well, and that you have the correct thoughts for the theme. This will assist you with benefiting from the exposition subjects for the arrangement test.</p>

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

CCE Paper Writing Tips

<h1>CCE Paper Writing Tips</h1><p>So you have chosen to take a CCE (Chemical Engineering Certificate) Exam in the primary term, the principal day of class and you have likewise chosen to get all the CSCE test papers prepared for your reference. Here are a few hints that will help you all through the paper composing procedure and you will have the option to give the understudies a strong first term education.</p><p></p><p>Your first inquiry ought to be about who your Paper class will be. Most understudies in the Chemistry study hall will have an oral test and test that are comprised of two sections. One section tests your learning capacities on the topic and the other part tests your capacity to apply what you realized in class in a test setting.</p><p></p><p>The whole procedure from the point that you choose to step through the composed examination until the time you are given the test is similarly as significant as th e real test. Attempt to set yourself up by considering the paper before hand with the goal that you realize what's in store. It is likewise a smart thought to get a companion or relative to look out for your work until you give the test. This will permit you to concentrate on the procedure, not on the individual doing the grading.</p><p></p><p>When you are finished with your paper, you should get an evaluation from the teacher. No doubt you will be evaluated on how well you composed the paper and your capacity to respond to inquiries in a brief timeframe. For whatever length of time that you can plainly respond to the entirety of the inquiries, this is the thing that the educator will in all probability grade. Try not to be disheartened on the off chance that you don't get an ideal score on your first paper, the same number of times the principal research project won't be great, yet it can be improved upon.</p><p></p><p>Some of the sub jects that are shrouded in these examples are the intermittent table, the design of a concoction plant, the arrangement of carbon, the premise of an occasional table, the capacity of acids and bases, the science of metal and light, and the idea of water. You will likewise have the option to talk about a portion of the more included procedures that happen in the regular day to day existence of people and creatures. For instance, you will have the option to portray how a few malignant growths create, various strategies for treating normal maladies, and much more.</p><p></p><p>In request to take the CCE test in the principal term, it is emphatically suggested that you take the example papers in advance to realize what the inquiries will be before the test. This is on the grounds that they will be utilized as a guide on the best way to compose the paper. You will have the option to figure out which paper is directly for you dependent on how well you comprehend th e material and the trouble level.</p><p></p><p>In request to get ready for the CCE test in the primary term, it is suggested that you consider enrolling in a class to study Chemistry at a school level before you get your CCE. This is an incredible method to acclimate yourself with science and gain proficiency with the ideas that will be secured on the CCE. In the event that you choose to seek after the CCE after this experience, at that point you will as of now have the information that you have to pass the test.</p><p></p><p>All on the whole, the CCE is one of the most testing logical tests you will ever need to take, and this is the reason you should invest your best amounts of energy into getting ready for it. CCE papers are really perhaps the hardest piece of the test, however on the off chance that you follow the tips sketched out above, you will have the option to expand your odds of passing.</p>

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Why A Research Proposal Is Important?

<h1>Why A Research Proposal Is Important?</h1><p>The job of exploration proposition is a significant angle in the entire procedure of examination. All examination ventures start with the advancement of a proposition. In the event that a decent examination proposition is composed, at that point it will make the entire procedure a lot simpler for the scientist and even the management.</p><p></p><p>A great exploration proposition begins with the advancement of the first thought. At this phase of the venture the analyst ought to have the option to think of a novel, pertinent thoughts. This doesn't really imply that all specialists ought to have a similar perspective on a specific point. Some of them are keen on various perspectives and exploration points. Truth be told the first thought should concentrate on such a viewpoint and the scientist ought to have the option to think of interesting and important ideas.</p><p></p><p&g t;The following stage is reviewing the first thought and sorting out it in a cognizant way. There are various sorts of examination papers like proposal, exposition, book, original copy, award, thesis or other papers.</p><p></p><p>The kind of exploration paper depends on the subject and the organization of the paper. In the event of a proposal on the subject and the configuration of the paper are to a great extent concentrated on the subject of the thesis. If there should be an occurrence of an exposition on the point is principally centered around the subject of the examination paper.</p><p></p><p>The motivation behind the exploration proposition is to design the proposition and its introduction. The material gathered must be composed, reviewed and appropriately introduced. There ought to be a specialist by the name of a manager who will do the important altering. The exploration paper must be altered and prepared for submission.</p ><p></p><p>The research paper is submitted to the diary or examination distribution. When it is submitted, it gets distributed in the friend assessed diaries. Distributing in peer looked into diaries implies that the paper has experienced the thorough procedure of assessing and ensuring that it is well deserving of distribution. At the point when the distribution is done and presented, the proposition is checked on by the supervisor and the different sides talk about the study.</p><p></p><p>This procedure of altering the examination paper is called altering. This is the reason a specialist in this field is necessary.</p>