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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Myers Brigg Type Indicator, And The Four Dimensions Of...

Myers-Brigg Type Indicator The Myers-Brigg Assessment, and the four dimensions of personality types based on the findings of Carl Jung, Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs, indicates Katie as an ISFJ (intuitive, sensing, feeling, and judging). People falling into this category are often known as nurturers. Additionally, individuals of this personality type tend to be practical, and sensitive towards other’s feelings. These traits make the ISFJ personality ideal for careers such as counseling where they are needed to give practical and emotional support. ISFJ personality types are reliable, and exhibit a strong sense of responsibility and duty (Sharf, 2013). Moreover, this personality type prefers organization, planning, and schedules, (Neukrug Fawcett, 2015); qualities that Katie has presented in her coaching positions. These characteristics have been noted in jobs that Katie has held. Furthermore, ISFJ individuals carry high standards of work ethic (ISFJ-Introverted, Se nsing, feeling, Judging). Careers where they serve others best suit their personality style. Both of Katie’s career pursuits necessitate serving others. ISFJ’s are warm, sensitive to others feelings, and value kindness; additional qualities essential qualities to being a genuine counselor and caring, nurturing, supportive coach (Portrait of an ISFJ, 2015). Krumboltz’s Social Learning Theory The Social Learning Theory developed by John Krumboltz is based on social learning asShow MoreRelatedEssay On Myers Briggs Type Indicator1465 Words   |  6 PagesMyers–Briggs Personality Indicator Introduction The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on the Jung’s theory of psychological types. The test is a self-report questionnaire that gives insight in how people interpret the world around them. This can be significantly important, as it can help someone better understand themselves, as well as their relationships, education, career, and role in the workplace. The MBTI was was developed by Katharine Cook Briggs together with her daughter IsabelRead MoreRecruitment Selection: Myers Briggs1568 Words   |  7 PagesThe Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI) is a psychometric test used to measure psychological preferences in how a person makes decisions and perceives their surrounding environment. A mother-daughter pair, Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers developed the test based on the typological theories of Carl Gustav Jung. After more than fifty-years of research and development, the MBTI has become the most widely used and respected personality tool. Eighty-nine compa nies out of the US Fortune 100 make useRead MorePersonality Testing And The Benefits Essay1138 Words   |  5 PagesThis paper will take a brief look at personality testing and the benefits it has in the workplace. Support for the use of personality tests, as well as some of the features of these types of tests will be explored. In addition, some of the less desirable aspects of personality testing will also be examined. There is some disagreement among psychologist on the use of personality tests, specifically the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which will also be discussed. Additional information, as it pertainsRead MoreSelf Awareness And Self Acceptance904 Words   |  4 Pagesare uniquely composed of characteristic traits, defining who they are and how they are perceived. Robbins, Decenzo, and Coulter (2015) defines personality as â€Å"the unique combination of emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns that affect how a person reacts to a situations and interacts with others† (pg. 254). Comprehending the facets of personality is the underling factor acquired to increase self awareness and self acceptance. It is the fundamental aspect of identifying individual strengthsRead MoreDifferential Psychology : Cognitive Ability1723 Words   |  7 PagesThese domains include differences in behavior, personality, cognition, orientation and affect. Differential psychology focuses on these domains, by studying differences in our actions, emotions, intelligences, needs and activities. (Revelle, Wilt, Condon, 2011). This paper will review four domains of individual differences: cognitive ability, personality, orientation (values and interests) and affective disposition. It will also focus on personality, explaining major ideas, themes and theoristsRead MorePersonality Analysis and the Study of Organizational Behavior1704 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Topic and why it was chosen Personality was chosen as the topic of research in the realm of organizational behavior because In order for managers to predict behavior, they must know the personalities of those who work for them, (Personality and Values, n.d.). Personality is also crucial to organizational behavior because the personality of individuals will impact quantitative measures such as productivity. Furthermore, the personality of the people working for an organization servesRead MoreAssessment Tools Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pagesinterests, ability/intellectual levels, achievement levels, and personality types. Through the use of assessment tools like the Common Core Measures of Academic Progress (Common Core MAP), The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), The Student Interest Survey for Career Clusters, The Brigance Early Childhood Screens III, The Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory, and The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personality Indicator. Interests 1. The Student Interest Survey for CareerRead MoreEvaluation of Myers-Briggs1910 Words   |  8 PagesRunning head: TEST REVIEW AND CRITIQUE The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Abstract The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used extensively by educators, counselors, and other professionals. Based on Jungs theory of psychological types, the psychodynamic model of the MBTI is useful for self-understanding and life-long development. MBTI type descriptions characterize 16 types at their best; provide positive, self-affirming goals; and note blind spots and problems to avoid. The MBTI problem-solvingRead MoreThe Keirsey Temperament Sorter And The Big Five Personality Test1200 Words   |  5 Pages Personality is defined as the unique way in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels throughout life (Ciccarelli, 2014). Numerous individuals are curious in regards to their actions and how their mind works, thus leading companies to create personality tests, in order to provide individuals with some perspective on their personality. While individuals can take personality tests for leisure, personality tests are often utilized in situations such as job interviews, dia gnosing mental disordersRead MoreExam Paper7169 Words   |  29 PagesChapter 4 Personality and Values MULTIPLE CHOICE Personality 1. Which of the following statements about personality is correct? a. Personality is always stable. b. Personality is a part of a person. c. Personality is an aggregate whole. d. Personality is for the most part comprised of traits that cannot be measured. e. Personality is the primary source of emotions in most people. (c; Easy; Personality; p. 105) 2. Which of the following statements about the

Monday, December 16, 2019

Research Task for Childcare Free Essays

Unit 4 – Keeping Children Safe Hand in Date – 21st May 2012Â   Explain how strategies to establish and maintain healthy, safe and secure environments in early years settings are supported by legislations. E1. Identify legislation which influences healthy, safe and secure environments for early years settings. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Task for Childcare or any similar topic only for you Order Now List 10 of the main laws that underpin the provision of healthy, safe and secure environments for young children. Give the full title and date. D1. Explain how legislation can support strategies to establish and maintain healthy, safe and secure environments in early years settings. Write about how relevant laws support ways to keep the environment of settings healthy, safe and secure. At least 3 ways which may include: having policies and procedures, regulatory body inspections, staff ratios, CRB checks, working with parents and other professionals, training, resources. ————————————————- Task 2 Describe the environment and procedures necessary to keep children safe who: * Receives a bump on the head Has an asthma attack * Has sickness and diarrhoea * Shows symptoms and signs of meningitis E2. Describe the procedures which will keep a child safe for each accident, illness or emergency. For each accident, illness or emergency listed in the assignment task, describe the procedures that will keep the child safe. State the main aims of the procedures, e. g. asthma attack – Administration of medicines procedure will clearly set out what the practitioner should do. D2. Explain how establishing a safe environment can support the procedures necessary for accidents, illnesses and emergencies. Associated essay: Childcare Level 2, Unit 2 Assignment Write about how creating an environment in the setting which is safe will help appropriate procedures for accidents, illnesses and emergencies to be written, implemented and understood by everyone in the setting. Produce a booklet covering all these accidents and emergencies. ————————————————- Task 3 Plan the care for a child aged 1 year and a child aged 3 years for a full day in the setting AND: * Consider ways to maintain the security and privacy of the children and to respect their wishes. E3. Plan the appropriate care of a child aged 1 for a full day in the setting. Provide a care plan that shows understanding of how to meet the overall care and development needs of a child aged 1 year for a full day in the setting. E4. Plan the appropriate care of a child aged 3 years for a full day in the setting. Provide a care plan that shows understanding of how to meet the overall care and development needs of a child aged 3 years for a full day in the setting. B1. Consider possible ways to maintain the safety and privacy of children and respect their wishes. Think about and give information about how the practitioner can maintain safety, privacy and respect for children’s wishes. Give 4 examples which could include: following policies/procedures, understanding children’s rights, consulting children, sensitive understanding, confidentiality, working with parents, multi-agency team working. Must include a reference. ————————————————- Task 4 Write a handout for a staff meeting to consider how the practitioner can provide an enabling physical environment for children. The handout should include: * The issues that affect the planning of a challenging environment for children. * An evaluation of TWO initiatives that influence the provision of challenging environments for children. The importance of helping children to manage risk and challenge in their environment. E5. Describe the issues that affect planning of a challenging environment for children. Write about what affects the planning of a challenging environment for children. Give 5 issues whi ch may include: policies/procedures, children’s rights, type of setting, resources, health and safety, supervision, age/stage/abilities of children, consulting children. E7. Explain the importance of helping children to manage risk and challenge in their environment. Give reasons why it is important for children to be helped to learn to assess and manage risk and challenge. Reasons could include: why children need adult help, the benefits of risk and challenge – develop life skills, understand consequences of actions, explore limits in a controlled environment, learn to take responsibility/ balance their rights against those of others, make choices/decisions, effects on holistic development. E6. Describe the initiatives which influence the provision of challenging environments for children. Write about an international, national and local initiatives/schemes that influence the provision of challenging environments for children, e. g. Forest Schools, children’s play initiatives, local play policies. C1. Evaluate how the TWO initiatives contribute to the provision of an enabling environment for children. A development of E6. Consider how TWO (2) of the initiatives described in E6 help to ensure the environment for the children supports their development through appropriate experiences and empowerment. ————————————————- Task 5 Include in the handout an explanation of the ways that meeting the care needs of children can affect practitioners and possible sources of support for practitioners. A1. Discuss the effect on practitioners of meeting the care needs of children. 5 detailed considerations of how and why practitioners may be affected when meeting the care needs of children and the range of support available. Effects must be positive and negative. Task 4 and 5 will be in form of a handout. Remember throughout to include: E8. Show an understanding of diversity and inclusive practice. This criterion will be met if throughout you show understanding of the importance of identifying and meeting the individual needs and rights of children and their families. AND E9. Include references and a bibliography. At least TWO (2) references must be made in the text to relevant books, articles, magazines or websites. These are sources of information and the sources used should be listed at the end of the assignment in a bibliography. Sources of background reading can also be included in the bibliography. YOUR COMPLETED WORK SHOULD NOT EXCEED 3500 WORDS. THERE IS NO LOWER WORD LIMIT. WORK THAT IS MORE THAN 10% ABOVE THE WORD LIMIT WILL NOT BE MARKED. REFERENCES AND QUOTATIONS WITHIN THE TEXT ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE WORD LIMIT. How to cite Research Task for Childcare, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Language Related Tasks free essay sample

We can put off sleeping for a limilted period. Meaning To decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later date or time * Concept questions: Do we want to do this now? No Will we delay this until a later time? Yes Will we complete it at some point in the future? Yes Other examples: A businessman who puts off a meeting or an important decision, students who put off doing their assignments, an engaged couple who puts off their wedding. Extension: An engaged couple may put off their wedding if they don’t have enough money saved up to pay for it. Students may put off doing their homework until it’s almost too late. Form Put off (verb+ adverb) is a transitive phrasal verb. Put off is normally followed by an object. In the example above the object is sleeping (verb+ing form, acting as a noun) Put off is also separable, i. We will write a custom essay sample on Language Related Tasks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page e. you can separate the verb part from the adverb. However, if you change the direct object to a pronoun, i. e. , it, it then becomes inseparable (see examples below) We can put it off for a limited period. v We can put off it for a limited period. X Pronunciation We can put off sleeping for a limited period p? There is one syllable in each part of the verb phrase. The main stress is placed on the first syllable. The underscore represents a link between the two words i. e. , there is no interruption of airflow between them. Appropriacy Put off is fairly neutral in appropriacy. There are other more formal words which may be used such as, delay or postpone. These may be used in such contexts as a letter regarding a change in schedule of a dental appointment. Anticipated problems or solutions: 1. Problem: Ss may confuse the meaning of to put off , i. e. elay, postpone), with another meaning such as to discourage. Ss will therefore be confused with the concept of the whole sentence. Solution: Use the CQs above to show that in this context, to put off means to delay rather than to deter someone from something. Elicit examples of other contexts as in the examples in the section on meaning. Problem: Ss may confuse the spelling of off with of. Solution: Elicit the correct spelling using examples su ch as, a piece of cake and off and on. Problem: Ss may pronounce the phasal verb as two separate words producing a plosive sound between the two syllables. Solution: Drill the two words separately and then together so that ss can detect the difference in air flow. (/p? t/ /? f/ and /p? t? f/) *Cambridge Dictionaries Online Lexis 2 †¦the unpleasant symptoms we suffer Meaning Signs or indications of a disorder or disease, which are not pleasing. Concept Questions: Do we feel well? No Are there any signs to tell us that we feel unwell? Yes What kind of signs do we have? Sore eyes, headache etc. Is our condition life threatening? No Will the conditions probably go away? Yes Form Unpleasant (adjective) symptoms (noun, plural) N. B. The word pleasant can be formed by simply removing the negative prefix un-. Pronunciation †¦the unpleasant symptoms we suffer /? nplez? nt s? mpt? mz/ There are 5 syllables within the phrase. The main stresses occur on the second syllable of unpleasant and the first syllable of symptoms. The schwa sound present in /? nplez? nt/ links the 2nd and 3rd syllable almost merging the two. (/? nplez? nt/) Anticipated problems and solutions Problems: Ss may pronounce /? nplez? nt/ as /? npli:z? nt/ because they are confusing it with the verb, to please. Solution: Model and drill the sound plez/ followed by the whole word /? nplez? nt/. Give other examples of lexis with the same spelling and pronunciation e. g. , pleasure, peasant , etc. Problems: The sound /mpt/ may prove to be difficult for ss to pronounce. Solution: Drill the pronunciation of the individual letters m,p ,t. Drill the sound /mpt/ then finally the whole word. Practical English Usage New Edition by Michael Swan. Grammar 1 †¦everything that has happened to us during the day. Meaning (Of an event in time) to come about or has taken place; has occurred. Concept questions: Did this take place in the past? Yes Do we know exactly when this took place? No Is this still taking place now? No Are we thinking about the past and the present or both? Both Other examples: Many things have happened since you left. What has happened to our economy? [pic] Form Has happened is the present perfect of the verb to happen (has/have + past participle) Has is the auxiliary verb, to have and is used for the third person conjugation (he/she/it) Pronunciation †¦everything that has happened to us during the day. /h? z h? p? nd/ There are three syllables within the verb pattern. The main stress lies on the first syllable of happened. There is no extra stress on the ‘pp’ in happened. Anticipated problems and solutions Problem: Ss may not understand the difference in meaning between the present perfect (has happened) and the simple perfect (happened). Solution: Use CQs to help explain that you cannot use the present perfect to refer to a particular point in time unlike the present simple, (demonstrate this on the timeline) Provide e. g: my cat has died and my cat died on the 30th June 2012. Problem: Ss may omit has and only use happened thinking that this is acceptable. Solution: Elicit from students whether we need to add or omit the auxiliary verb to in different sentences. Problem: Ss may exaggerate the pronunciation of the /p/ sound in happened because it contains a double ‘p’. Solution: Separate the two syllables of happened as /h? p/ and /? nd/. Drill separately then drill natural model. Collins English Dictionary Third Edition Grammar 2 †¦but sooner or later we will be asleep. Expressing a prediction about being in a state of sleep in the future Concept Questions: Are we asleep now? No Will we be asleep in the future? Yes But do we know for certain that we will be sleeping in the future? No Form †¦but sooner or later we will be asleep. (future auxiliary verb+ infinitive without to + adjective) N. B. The future auxiliary shall can be used to replace will. The subject pronoun, we can merge with auxiliary verb will to form we’ll, /wi? l/ Pronunciation /w? l bi: ? sli:p/ (alternative, /? sli:p/) will be asleep Of the 4 syllables present the stress is put mainly on the 2nd and the last. Anticipated problems and solutions Problem: Ss may confuse the adjective asleep with the noun (or verb), sleep.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lets go through the extreme treatment of the blac Essays - Politics

Let's go through the extreme treatment of the blacks history. Back in 1900's blacks didn't have the respect for the white people meaning they had to feel the extreme horror of disrespect like using disqusting bathrooms, they had to stand on the bus, get low income jobs, get wrongly justified for crimes, and was inhumanly beaten by the cops. Today's topic is about equal rights, similarites, retone and ending segregation. Now that you have a general idea of black's history let's go deeper. The reason why black's were treated badly was because of their resentment skin color. Like what Martin Luther king Jr. said " this momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to milions of negro slaves who have been seared in the flames of withering justice " meaning they didn't have the same justice as whites. Same with Abraham Lincoln, who said " the brave men,living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, for above our poor power to add or detract " meaning men are dying fo r freedom. They have similarities like they both talk about ending this bloodshed and giving indulgence to the people who don't have equal rights. We are going to talk about the numerous words Marther Luther King and Lincoln use in their speeches. How Marther Luther King use his words are describe as respectful, polite, upholding and admiring to the African Americans who don't have equal rights. In the Gettysburg Address Lincoln words are describe as humble, well-mannered, civil, and mindful to all the soldiers who fought in the civil war (all wars fighting for independence before lincoln life).How are they identical is both of their speeches are talking about how you dont have to use violence to solve a problem, you can end it in a well-mannered way, and the words they use are admiring to all the citizens of the United States of America who proudly respect this country black or white it doesn't matter. Their speeches were meant to end discrimination and hatred to the Africa n American. In Marther Luther King speech, King addresses that the whites are giving the blacks no respect meaning giving them no equal rights as a human beings. In Gettysburg Address Lincoln address that soldier's are fighting for the slaves to get back their freedom and trying to reunite the country. How are they similar is that they are both trying to end discrimination and hatred around the UnitedSstates for better freedom and equal rights. It all ends here both knowledgeable men end discrimination with their words of enlightenedment for their citizens that they want to keep resilient forever even though they are dead. United States runs through the lines of freedom and hope to give equal rights to all citizens of this country.We talked about lincoln and marther luther king speeches about how they end hatred around this country, their similarities of their speeches and the words they use to admire everyone in the United States of America.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon

The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon The book The Pillow of Sei Shonagon can be regarded as a comprehensive description of the life at Japanese court at the period of Heian society. Sei Shonagon provides her insightful accounts of the life at the court. The writing is very personal and it makes the book even more valuable as it does not only reveal certain customs and traditions, but unveils the way people thought. Remarkably, the book also helps understand peculiarities of the Heian society and gender roles in it.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the first place, it is necessary to note that the Heian period is characterized by certain empowerment of women as they could take some roles in a social life of the state. Thus, women could obtain education which was really good and comprehensive. Earlier, education was considered to be a male task. In Heian Japan, women had a speci fic role as they were leading personalities in literature. They wrote a variety of literary works which were admired by women as well as men. Women could also copy books, and this was also rather a privilege (Shonagon 1991, 148). Apart from working on literary masterpieces, women at the court did not have a privileged position. Clearly, people of that period cherished education and mental as well as physical abilities. Sei Shonagon stresses that people who excel in studies, literature or art of war are exceptional. Therefore, such virtues as excellence in art of war, literature and politics were seen as primary. It is also necessary to note that men were still regarded as superior creatures. Men were regarded as rulers and those who lead, while women were seen as subordinate creatures and had to play certain roles. These were roles of wives, mothers, mistresses and, of course, writers. Thus, being a court lady, Sei Shonagon, was quite close to her Majesty Empress. Sei Shonagon enjoy ed all privileges of an aristocrat of that period. Of course, she had to follow the conventions which existed at the court at that period. It is necessary to note that there were a lot of rules and traditions which had to be respected. It is necessary to note that the court at that time was characterized by peculiarities of any medieval court. There were various intrigues, love affairs, coalitions, etc. Notably, the author pays a lot of attention to love affairs and eroticism in her book. Thus, she depicts a number of dates and night meetings. She also describes complicated traditions and customs associated with love affairs. Men and women had to write love letters, which had to have certain structure or rather form. These writings had to be deliberate and thoughtful.Advertising Looking for critical writing on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The author also describes how hypocritical the life at the court was as people often pretended to be better than they were in reality. Admittedly, it was a norm to have an exemplary family where the husband and the wife love each other. However, in reality the situation was different and many couples hid their feelings. Sei Shonagon notes that there are hardly couples who â€Å"always treat each other with scrupulous care and respect† (Shonagon 1991, 146). Therefore, the Heian court life was not different from the life at any other court (or even at any other society where people tend to create certain images top fit the society). It is also necessary to point out that even though family values were regarded as prior to anything, adultery was also a norm. Sei Shonagon mentions a man â€Å"with two mistresses who is obliged to see them being bitter and jealous towards each other† (Shonagon 1991, 171). The author also writes about waiting for a lover in the middle of the night. This may not refer to adultery, but it is not an exemplary ma rital relationship. Therefore, extramarital affairs were seen as something illicit but possible. Another characteristic feature of the court was the aristocracy’s attitude towards representatives of other societal layers. This can be easily explained as one of the major virtues of an individual was education and only aristocrats could afford being educated. Wisdom and courtesy were seen as certain priorities. Admittedly, peasants did not have time or money to obtain education. Aristocrats did not take this into account and saw peasants as inferior creatures. To sum up, it is possible to note that Sei Shonagon reveals major peculiarities of the life at the court. The writer describes a variety of traditions and conventions which existed at the court. Clearly, the Heian court can be regarded as a conventional court of the Middle Ages as those who lived there were hypocrites. However, the court was also somewhat exceptional as women had quite a special place. Women were able to obtain education. Women were even regarded as major figures in literature at that period. However, it is also true that this was a partial empowerment as women were still seen as inferior in many other respects. Major roles assigned to women (apart from roles of writers) were roles of wives, mistresses and mothers. References Shonagon, Sei. The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon. Translated by Ivan Morris. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Friday, November 22, 2019

Word Choice Content vs. Contents

Word Choice Content vs. Contents Word Choice: Content vs. Contents If you’re used to English pluralization, you might assume â€Å"contents† is just the plural of â€Å"content.† And both terms do have a general sense of â€Å"something within something.† But there is a difference between these words, so check out our guide below to make sure your writing is error free. Content (Uncountable Noun) The singular â€Å"content† is typically an uncountable noun. Uncountable nouns are terms that refer to something as an undifferentiated whole, such as â€Å"water† or â€Å"sand.† The main use of â€Å"content,† then, is to refer to something within something else as a whole: The content of the wedding speech made the groom blush. Croissants have a very high fat content. In the first sentence above, for instance, the â€Å"container† is the wedding speech. So when we say â€Å"content,† we mean â€Å"what the speech says as a whole.† And in the second sentence, the â€Å"container† is the croissant, so the â€Å"content† is the fat in the croissant. In both cases, though, â€Å"content† involves treating something as a whole, not as separate items. Contents (Countable Noun) The plural â€Å"contents† is usually a countable noun. We thus use it when we can separate the â€Å"content† of something into individual items, like chapters in a book or items in a bag. For example: I checked the table of contents to find the appendix. The contents of her shopping bag spilled across the ground. As such, using â€Å"contents† shows that we’re treating each item of content as a separate thing rather than lumping them together as a whole. A table of contents. â€Å"Content† as a Verb and Adjective We’ve looked at the noun â€Å"content† above, but this word can also be a verb or an adjective. As a verb, it means â€Å"satisfy† or â€Å"induce a state of contentment†: He contented himself with watching the TV. The third-person singular form of this is â€Å"contents.† This is the only time you will need this spelling other than when it’s a countable noun. As an adjective, meanwhile, â€Å"content† means â€Å"pleased or satisfied†: I was content to spend my life proofreading. But the adjectival form of this word is only ever spelled â€Å"content.† Summary: Content vs. Contents While â€Å"content† and â€Å"contents† can both mean â€Å"something contained within something,† there’s usually a subtle difference in how we use these terms: Content is an uncountable noun. We use it when referring to the contained thing as an undifferentiated whole (e.g., the â€Å"content of a speech†). Contents is a plural countable noun. We use it when the things in a container are separate and countable (e.g., book chapters in a â€Å"table of contents†). Key when choosing between these terms, then, is considering whether you can count the contained things. The only other occasion you would use the spelling â€Å"contents,† moreover, is as a third-person singular verb meaning â€Å"satisfy,† but this is quite a rare usage. And if you’d like further help with the spelling in a document, try our proofreading service.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Technology and a Just Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Technology and a Just Society - Assignment Example As a point of departure, technology has influenced human life on the globe through diverse innovations, which have contributed to life transformation. When all classes of people in a society are treated equally, even the impact of technology is universal. It is realizable that, life takes a different dimension for various classes of people in a society when injustice is evident in embracing life-changing technological activities for the poor. For instance, Deborah and Wetmore argue that the technology of appliances pushed the servants to the corner, because they became unnecessary, and the servant class’s children began to go to college. This implies that they transformed into the middle class. This technological innovation represents a mixed blessing. First, it pushes the servants (employees) to the poor class and second, it propels the servant class to the middle class. According to Deborah and Wetmore, he thinks of pushing technological innovation towards a different and modern direction. Dyson asserts that technology should be pushed from that of making toys for the rich to the basic needs of the poor. Majority of the poor people would choose to live in the rural areas as long as the technology is applied to make the places rich. Dyson’s argument advances to the point of proposing that poverty can be reduced through three ways of technological developments, which includes solar energy, genetic engineerin g, and the internet. Advancement of this development will open up remote areas and consequent. On the other hand, the aspect of Embodiment and Virtuality is fundamental to changing the lives of people. In actual sense, expansion in technology contributes to the expansion of possibilities of the virtual such as surrogacy, cloning among others.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems Essay

Exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems - Essay Example According to CDC (2015), prevalence of obesity among adult citizens of USA is more than 34.9%, which represents more than 78.6 million victims. High blood pressure (hypertension) develops due to imbalanced Basal Metabolic Index (BMI) that exerts pressure on the heart and blood vessels. The imbalanced BMI exerts pressures and subsequently narrow the blood vessels that force the heart to generate excessive pressures to pump blood all over the body. CDC reports that the disease affects more than 67 million adults, which translates to over 31% of the American adult population (CDC, 2014). Chronic Kidney Disease compromises the ability of the kidney to perform its functions effectively. Diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure and overweight among other lifestyle diseases can cause CKD. Currently, the prevalence of CKD among American adults stands at 13.2% but projected to increase to 16.7% by 2030 (National Kidney Foundation, 2015). The three diseases have similar and related causes, so, physical activities prescribed to treat can also work to treat all. For adult patients suffering the diseases, a nurse can prescribe resistance, flexibility and endurance exercise (Rippe, 2013). Endurance exercise can last to about 60 minutes daily and intensity vary from 5-6 to 7-8 on a scale of 0-10. The exercise involves any activity that does not impose excessive orthopedic stress like walking, aquatic exercise ad stationary cycle exercise. Resistance activity can at a frequency of not less than 2days per week. Intensity measured on a scale of 0-10 can vary from 5-6 and 7-8. For flexibility exercise, a nurse can recommend a frequency of at least 2 days per week at an intensity of 5-6 on a scale of 0-10. The exercise involves any activity relating to stretches of major muscles (Rippe, 2013). A nurse can ensure cooperation of patients to the prescriptions by requesting for support of friends and families of the patients. A nu rse can also agree with patients

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sociology Death Penalty Essay Example for Free

Sociology Death Penalty Essay Capital punishment has been a tool of the American judicial system since the beginning of our history as an attempt to deter its citizens from committing acts of violence against others with an ambition for community safety. However, our system of law is too lagging and inconsistent for the prospect of death as punishment to be a deterrence which therefore calls for reform and restructure; perhaps adopting the old ways of countries far removed from Westernized thinking. Originally the sentence of capital punishment necessitated death by beheading however, along with the dilution of the name came weaker and more â€Å"humane† ways of executing prisoners and is now known as the death penalty. The death penalty sentence in America does not serve as a meaningful deterrence. [P]roponents of deterrence have argued that in order for legal sanctions to be effective deterrence to crime, they must be (1) severe, (2) administered with certainty, (3) administered swiftly (celerity), and (4) administered publicly. The presumed importance of celerity of punishment is illustrated by Beccaria: An immediate punishment is more useful; because the smaller the interval of time between the punishment and the crime, the stronger and more lasting will be the association of the two ideas of â€Å"crime† and punishment; so that they may be considered, one as the cause, and the other as the unavoidable and necessary effect . . . Delaying the punishment serves only to separate these two ideas, and thus affects the minds of the spectators rather as being a terrible sight than the necessary consequences of a crime, the horror of which should contribute to heighten the idea of punishment.† (cited in Bailey, 1980, p 1309 ). Many people in our country have not seen a live execution and what they have seen most often looks painless and is carried out often a couple of decades after the punishable crime leaving minimal lasting impressions. Public humiliation is a greater deterrence; public hangings and canings have a greater impact on crime rates. â€Å"Worldwide, fewer than half of all nations allow the death penalty . . . Internationally, attention has focused on those nations where executions are relatively common, such as China and Iran . . . In the United States . . . pressure to abolish capital punishment has grown, both at home and abroad.† (Schaeffer, 2009,p175-177) The penalty needs to be refor med not abolished. The eighth amendment bans cruel and unusual punishment suggesting that executions should be humane and not cause undue pain, however since the rights of the victim were taken with force and brutality the criminal-killers should not be afforded comfort and privacy in compliance with their sentence to death. I agree with what Singapores Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew said in a speech, The†¦traditional Asian value system . . . places the interests of the community over and above that of the individual†¦In criminal law legislation, our priority is the security and well being of law-abiding citizens rather than the rights of the criminal. . .(Tan, 2002) During a visit to Singapore, which practices public caning and sends prisoners to the gallows, I felt secure that no harm would befall me and I was never more afraid to J-walk. The guidelines for caning is spelled out very clearly; the number of lashes for each crime and humiliating public displays leaves no room for their society to act out of ignorance. The marks the caning leaves is a permanent reminder therefore, deterrent to breaking the law. Youths who have been convicted of violent crimes should be subject to the death penalty as well. Although â€Å"every country on earth has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits the death penalty for juvenile offenders, with two exceptions: Somalia, which effectively has no government, and the US. Even China, one of the worlds most enthusiastic criminal-killers, recently banned juvenile executions.† (Beiser, 1999) However, crime punishment should not be imposed based on age if it is a crime that resulted out of deliberation. If an eleven year old was malicious enough to plot and commit murders of his parents or peers that same eleven year old should be punished as if he were 35. Perhaps if youths were exposed to the physical consequences of their actions the desire or idea to commit such crimes would yield deterrence. Americans and our criminal justice system would benefit from revisiting what is in the Nations best interest and resist pacifying those that insist perpetrators of violence be given the very rights to die peacefully which they violently stole from their victims. There will continue to be high crime rates as long as there is no deterrent; or certainty that swift, humiliating and painful justice will undoubtedly occur. Outline 1. Does the death penalty serve as a deterrent to crime? a. No because most people that commit the crimes which make them eligible for the death penalty probably act prior to thinking out consequences and those that do obviously do not believe they will be caught or held accountable. â€Å"[P]roponents of deterrence have argued that in order for legal sanctions to be effective deterrence to crime, they must be (1) severe, (2) administered with certainty, (3) administered swiftly (celerity), and (4) administered publicly. The presumed importance of celerity of punishment is illustrated by Beccaria: b. An immediate punishment is more useful; because the smaller the interval of time between the punishment and the crime, the stronger and more lasting will be the association of the two ideas of â€Å"crime† and punishment; so that they may be considered, one as the cause, and the other as the unavoidable and necessary effect Delaying the punishment serves only to separate these two ideas, and thus affects the minds of the spectators rather as being a terrible sight than the necessary consequences of a crime, the horror of which should contribute to heighten the idea of punishment.†(p. 1309) c.Our judicial system is not swift nor are the executions public. d. I believe that public humiliation serves as a more effective deterrence. e. As barbaric as it may seem, caning and public hangings have more of a direct impact on homicide and crime rates in general. 2. What are some other countries’ responses to the death penalty? a. Most countries have abandoned the idea of capital punishment b. Human rights have been adopted over societal well being 3. What is your position on the death penalty- should it be legal or should it be abolished? a. Reformed b. Needs to be in the public eye and seen as a certainty in order to have impact. c.Should be painful and something to be feared instead of looking like a peaceful sleep. d.The penalty needs to be reformed not abolished. The eighth amendment states that executions should be humane and not cause undue pain, however since the rights of the victim were taken with force and brutality the criminal-killers should not be afforded comfort and privacy in compliance with their sentence to death. 4.Should youths who have been convicted of violent crimes be subject to the death penalty? a. Yes- Although â€Å"every country on earth has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits the death penalty for juvenile offenders, with two exceptions: Somalia, which effectively has no government, and the US. Even China, one of the worlds most enthusiastic criminal-killers, recently banned juvenile executions,† 5. Why or why not? a. dont feel that crime punishment should be imposed based on age if it is a crime that resulted out of deliberation. b.If an eleven year old was malicious enough to plot murders of his parents or peers that same eleven year old should be punished as if he were 35. c.Perhaps is youths were exposed to the physical consequences of their actions the desire or idea to commit such crimes would lessen. REFERENCE PAGE Bailey, W (1980). Social Forces, Vol. 58, No. 4 (Jun., 1980), pp. 1308-1333 Retrieved July 8, 2010 from http://www.jstor.org/stable/2577328 Beiser, V. (1999). Wasted Youth Retrieved July 10, 2010 http://motherjones.com/politics/1999/12/wasted-youth Schaefer, R.T. (2009) Sociology: A brief introduction (8thed.) pp. 175-177 Tan, A (2002) Singapore Death Penalty Shrouded in Silence Retrieved July 9, 2010 fromhttp://www.singaporewindow.org/sw02/020412re.htm Reuters

Thursday, November 14, 2019

English Language Learning Essay example -- Education, Gujarati Familie

The overall aim of this research is to explore historical and contemporary discourses of social policies of identity, assimilation, multiculturalism and sense of belonging in relationship to the ‘practices of the everyday’ (Lewis 2004) and to explore how the individuals make sense of their world through and by their experiences and practices of it. I will particularly focus on the area of language learning as a part of identity formation to find out how participants are involved in the act of making their language learning possible in spite of all the challenges. By this I mean not to reveal what 'really' happens, but rather to analyse participant's accounts in relation to the political discourses surrounding language, assimilation and community cohesion. Duke (2002: 42) argues taking a qualitative route in relation to researching social policy is essential when trying to 'delve into parts of the policy process which quantitative methods cannot reach. They have the pot ential to explore innovation, originality, complexity, interactions, conflicts and contradictions'. This research is, therefore, an attempt to find answers to the problems and predicaments related to English language learning under different political agenda and to demonstrate how these varying determinants had an effect on the process of language learning and identity formation of Gujarati women in the diaspora. THE CONTEXT OF RESEARCH: It is important to contextualise the process of identity formation of Gujarati women with what was happening in Britain in regard to race relation at both the time of their arrival and the various stages of settlement since. The 1970s was a period when many Gujarati families arrived in the UK as refugees or economic migrants... ...r levels of ability In English for refugees and other migrants to the U. K. by linking language ability with employment potential (DFES Publications,2010). Thus on one hand, the government is stressing the importance of English language learning, on the other hand, the funding for the programmes that provide language training is being cut. There is no doubt that how the migrant women learnt/learn English is shaped by these policies which had/have direct impact on their learning. This research aims to highlight the discrepancies in the policy doctrines and their implementation by comparing the impact of the policies on the process of English language learning of Gujarati women under different political regimes. It focuses on how identities are shaped as an outcome of the political agenda by the qualitative study of the learning journeys of Gujarati women in London.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Effectiveness of Dodd-Frank Act

The Dodd-Frank represents the most comprehensive financial regulatory reform measures taken since the Great Depression; in simplest arms the Dodd-Frank Act is a law that places major regulations on the financial industry. Dodd-Frank grew out of the Great Recession with the intention of preventing another collapse of major financial institutions in the U. S. The Dodd- Frank also enforces the consumer protect act which is put in place to protect borrowers from abusive barrowing and puts regulations on banks that practice these bad habits. Why did the Dodd-Frank Act come about?In 2008 the economy suffered a great recession and Dodd-Frank was suppose to be the answer, the tool to fix the financial problems in the U. S. If you will. Dodd-Frank put financial regulations that were said would turn the recession around and help prevent a recurrence on financial institutions. There are said to be many reasons why the economy started to plummet some say the housing market was the reason for the downward spiral of the economy and others say the banking system had a huge hand in the recession as well along with credit reporting agencies that falsely reported scores.There are many contributing factors that could have been the reason for the financial downturn of the U. S. And the Dodd-Frank Act is supposed to be the answer for regulating banks ND implementing consumer protection. In 2010 President Barack Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Act in to Law to help secure the future economy of the U. S. I am personally all for the Dodd-Frank law, I feel that it will benefit the U. S. Economy to have stricter laws preventing it from completely failing again. Some research shows that there has been as many as 47 recessions in the U. S. O something was not right and we needed a change. In my opinion there is no way that we should have experienced recession in 2009, we are supposed to be a advance country, now I understand that things happen and that's exactly why I'm all for resolutions an d changes and that's why I feel it is important that the Dodd-Frank and embraced and hopefully used properly. We as the United States need to tighten our laws and restrictions and work more at being proactive rather then reactive when things go wrong and now our entire economy is at risk because of one large financial institution.As you read further in the paper you will see some of the provisions like many that stuck out to me and being some of the most important while also explaining why I am in favor of the Dodd-Frank law. One of the Dodd-Frank Act's main goals is to regulate banks, which means that banks will be subjected to a series of regulations and if any of the banks are determined to be too big to fail then there is a possibility that the bank can be broken up.In order to be able to focus so much on banks and making sure the banks are complaint with the regulations the bill created the Financial Stability Oversight Council. The Treasury Secretary chairs the Council and has nine members including the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or CAP. It also oversees non-bank financial firms like hedge funds. The Financial Stability Oversight Council (OFFS) will monitor the markets for asset price bubbles and the build up of systemic risks.In addition, it would designate which financial firms are the systemically important. These firms would be subject to additional regulations by the Federal Reserve, which would include higher capital standards and stricter liquidity requirements, as well as requirements that they draw up a â€Å"living will†, that is a plan for the orderly liquidation if the firm gets into financial difficulties. Manikins,Snakeskin 2012 peg. 449) Some like that under Dodd-Frank banks are also required to have plans for a quick and orderly shutdown in the event that the bank becomes insolvent.In accordance with the OFFS there were other regulations that the banks wo uld have to comply with eventually. This regulation is called the Blocker Rule, this prohibits banks from investing in or owning hedge funds at all. The Blocker Rule stopped private equity funds and proprietress trading for the banks own profit and the banks would only be allowed to own a small percentage of the hedge and private equity funds. The Blocker rule came about because Paul Blocker was against banks using the funds the bank received from benefits deposits insurance for risky trading.The Blocker Rule does allow some trading when it's necessary for the bank to run its business. , so if the bank needs to trade currency to offset their own holdings in a foreign currency they would be allowed to do so. The Blocker Rule was not in effect when The Dodd-Frank was sign and began implementation, it was a future regulation that later was added and implemented. Derivatives are a huge part of the Dodd-Frank; derivatives played a part in the nonfatal of GIG.Alga had to be bailed out aft er extensive use of derivatives, and the Dodd-Frank has placed regulations to prevent this in the future. Derivatives are financial instruments whose payoffs are linked to previously issued securities, such as credit default. In order to try and get a handle on this issue Dodd-Frank requires that the risky derivatives are regulated by the SEC or the commodity futures trading commission while the more transparent derivatives are put in a clearinghouse. The clearinghouse is going to act similar to the stock exchange; this is a way to trade the reparative biblically.Not all derivatives will be subject to the law, The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission approved a rule that would exempt some energy companies, hedge funds and banks from derivative oversight. (CNN, 2013) Insurance companies and credit rating agencies are some of the other financial institutions that Dodd-Franks effect. The Federal Insurance office was created which operates unde r the Treasury Department to help identify insurance companies that could pose a risk to the entire system.Dodd-Frank created this regulation because of the damage that GIG caused, so this regulation will be more proactive in avoiding the same problem again. Also in the interest of the consumers, the Federal Insurance office will collect information about the insurance industry and make sure affordable health insurance is provided for minorities. Some credit rating companies were criticized for providing scores that were not correct and there for allowing consumers to get loans they could not afford.This was saw as misleading along with over rating derivatives and mortgage-backed securities Ђ?and saying the investment tools were worth more than their actual value. Dodd- Frank made it so as apart of the new rules, the SEC can require agencies to submit their rating systems for review, and can De-certify an agency that gives misleading ratings. The new rule should put a stop to th e issue of approving loans and mortgages that the consumers could not afford. The law requires that the consumers provide proof of income, credit, and Job history which only makes sense to make sure the consumer can afford to repay what they have barrowed.One of the gig reasons I agree with the law is the Consumer Protection, Dodd-Frank legislation created a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CUFF) that is funded and housed with in the Federal Reserve. This regulation was to protect consumers from immoral business practices by banks. The CUFF consolidated a number of existing consumer protection responsibilities in other government agencies. The CUFF has the authority to examine and enforce regulations for all businesses engaged in issuing mortgage products that have more then $10 billion in assets. Manikins Snakeskin, 2012 peg. 448) The CUFF is also able to examine other financial products marketed toward poor people in efforts to keep our economy from falling apart again fr om this. The law also works with the regulators in large banks to stop transactions that hurt consumers, such as risky lending. Which also bans payments to brokers for pushing borrowers into higher-priced loans, as well as giving the state attorney general power to enforce certain rules issued by the legislation on the stricter consumer protection laws on National Banks.This allows for it to ban brokers from pushing consumers into higher ricer loans. In addition to the above-mentioned perks I also appreciate that consumers have access to information made plain for anyone to be able to understand, and there is a 24-hour hotlist to report issues with any financial services. In accordance with helping consumers stay away from faulty loans the CUFF also monitor the debit card use, credit care and pay day loan use, this seems to be a good idea to me because it can kind of hold you back from doing something the will eventually put you in the negative.Although the government always had som e ability to seize failing financial institutions and slowly close them down, the government did not have total resolution over authority over the largest financial institutions. This was the issue when it came t the government saving Lehman Brothers and the there was not resolutions to be offered so the company filed for bankruptcy. Dodd-Frank now provides the government with this authority for financial firms that are deemed systemic, and also gives regulators the right to levy fees on financial institutions with more than $50 billion in assets to recoup losses. (Manikins Snakeskin, Peggy 2012)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Product Proposal Template

Product Proposal Template †¢ [Bulleted lists and bracketed text are descriptive, and should not appear in final documents. ] †¢ Assume your proposal will be one of many reviewed by potential investors. It should be accurate, concise, and self-contained. Don't assume the reader is familiar with you or your product. †¢ The proposal should be well organized, clearly written, and flow smoothly from one item to the next. The style and information should be consistent, even if different people write different parts. †¢ Use graphics (charts, diagrams, etc) where they can be more effective than text (â€Å"a picture is worth a thousand words†).Do not use cutesy or unnecessary pictures. †¢ Include or attach tables or spreadsheets for lists and comparisons. Product Proposal for [Concept] Executive Summary †¢ Write the summary last, not first. †¢ Summarize all key ideas from the proposal in less than one page. †¢ Describe the product in the first p aragraph. †¢ Do not use graphics, tables, etc. Overview 1 Introduction †¢ Describe the product, its key features and functionality. 2 Abbreviations and Definitions †¢ List and define all abbreviations and non-standard terms used. 3 Background Describe any background required to understand the product or its importance, including market or technology trends.Market Analysis 1 Needs Analysis †¢ Describe who needs the product, and why. †¢ For each market of interest, describe key characteristics, including size. †¢ Summarize the customer’s total cost. Include hardware unless you are assuming that your customers already own the necessary hardware. 2 Competitive Analysis †¢ Describe competing products, and their relative strengths ; weaknesses. †¢ Include or attach a table to summarize key characteristics. †¢ Use text (or subsections) for details not easily captured in the table. Feature or Characteristic |[Proposed Product] |Competitor( s) | | | |[#1] |[#2] |[#3] |[#4] | | | | | | | | Requirements 1 Actors ; Use Cases †¢ Describe the general categories of people who will use the product. †¢ Describe any external systems that will interact with the product. For each actor, describe why and how they interact with the product. †¢ For each actor, describe any special characteristics or background.†¢ Include or attach a table to summarize which actors perform which use cases, especially if there is overlap. |Use Case |Actor(s) | | |[#1] |[#2] |[#3] |[#4] |[#5] | | | | | | | | Requirements †¢ Include or attach a table (or a full spreadsheet) to list and describe key requirements, such as: o hardware or software (platform dependencies) o performance o networking o concurrency o data storage o internationalization (multiple languages, currencies, time zones) o error handling ; security o testing ; documentation o installation Category |Requirement |Priorit|Phase |Cost | | | |y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 Deliverables List and describe items that must be completed in order to complete this product, such as: o hardware components o software components o packaging ; documentation o licenses, user names, passwords Design 1 User Interfaces †¢ Describe the user interface(s). †¢ Include or attach sketches or mockups of GUI screens where applicable. 2 UML Design Diagrams†¢ Describe the key data objects and relationships (data diagrams). †¢ Describe any complex interactions among actors and product components (interaction diagrams). †¢ Describe the logical and physical architecture (deployment diagrams). Include or attach diagrams where applicable. 3 Other †¢ Describe any other design issues, such as: o novel algorithms or data structures o significant challenges or risks o 3rd party components you will use (commercial, open source, etc) o potential patents Project Plan 1 Team and Organization †¢ Describe each member of your team and their roles and responsibilities. †¢ Describe any missing skills you will need to make this product successful. †¢ Describe how your team is organized. 2 Estimates ; Schedule †¢ Describe the expected project schedule. Include or attach applicable tables or planning diagrams, such as: o work breakdown schedules (WBS) o PERT/CPM networks, Gantt charts, etc. (if applicable) |Date |Owner |Action or Deliverable | | | | | | | | |Resource ; Budget Requirements †¢ List and describe any needed resources (equipment, facilities, services, etc). †¢ List all costs required to build and deploy the product, including: o Supporting hardware and software that must be purchased o Effort by developers, testers, writers, etc o Sales and marketing †¢ List expected revenue sources and projected revenue. †¢ Describe your expected profit margin. †¢ Include or attach applicable tables or spreadsheets. Category |Item |Count |Unit Cost |Total Cost | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 Risks †¢ List and describe risks that could affect features, schedule, or cost. For each, estimate probability and impact, and describe possible responses. †¢ Include or attach applicable tables or spreadsheets. |Category |Risk |Prob |Impact |Response | | | | | | | | | | | | |References †¢ List citations for any published material (including books, articles, product documentation, and web pages) used when preparing the proposal, whether or not they are quoted or cited elsewhere in the proposal.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Discuss what Rob Nixon calls slow violence. Essays - Articles

Discuss what Rob Nixon calls slow violence. Essays - Articles Take-home exam SANT285-3 Current Anthropological Research: Anthropology of the Environment Spring 2019 Candidate number: 184 Discuss what Rob Nixon calls "slow violence." In addition to Nixon, use at least ONE other author from the course. This essay explores the term "slow violence" coined by Rob Nixon. Discussing how it plays an important role in explaining the difficulties we have of understanding ecological and natural problems. How reporting environmental problems involves many difficulties, and the importance of contrasting the differences connected to violence. Emphasizing on the humans most affected by the various changes the planet is experiencing, where conspicuous individuals actively try to misguide. Aspects of time and place disoriented trough postponed effects. Further will the understanding of our worlds condition be examined, how our perspective on nature is evolving and some common implications about the subject. Possible shift in our interests to look after our weakened environment, discussed around Bruno Latour's article politics of nature. In addition will we explore some similarities natural issues have with battle and conflict. Slow Violence Humanity has become more connected the last few decades , through technology heavy devices and the world wide web . Instant communication and access to information have made us less committed to our geographical location, and more worried of other locations. Our ring of concern has widened, perhaps because we understand it will eventually affect us equally. And perhaps we think it can escalate, either way are we starting to tackle complex problem s in the environmental field . One of the more subtle problems we have to work with is how to exhibit issues involving nature, and displaying them to the public. A professor named Rob Nixon is discussing the many problems involving humans and nature, in which he came up with the term "slow violence". Nixon describes "slow violence" as " violence that occurs gradually and out of sight, a violence of delayed destruction that is dispersed across time an d space, an attritional violence that is typically not viewed as violence at all . Violence is customarily conceived as an event or action that is immediate in time, explosive and spectacular in space, and as erupting into instant sensational visibility " (Nixon 2011: 2). C limate change is as good as any place, to start illustrat ing the term "slow violence". D isruption of earth cycles caused by humans, at hastened speeds , throwing the planet out of balanc e . But the changes we see and experience are incremental and locally bound in which we need accurate data and numbers to measure and detect the differences. However when these numbers change, they don't make the news by default and when it does get reported it gets faint attention. Sure enough, a five percent increase in the CO 2 content will hardly affect anyone and is why some people don't bother with it. But a five percent tax increase will affect people by the size of their wallet. It is more immediate and direct, it will happen, and it will affect living people. The thought of someone taking your money makes you impassioned, but what to think when we are all collectively destroyi ng our planet in different ways , all robbing each other of our future environment. It's hard to imagine earth to be sensitive enough to feel the presence of human beings. One can foolishly think that if we are disturbing the balance , it must be miniscule. Which it was in the earlier days of humanity , when fire was firstly being introduced . B ut when the accumulated human combustion exceeded what nature could absorb , then the "slow violence" of climate change was initiated . The time perspective of "slow violence" is showing to be problematic. The concept of delayed destruction is not as entertaining as scientists would have liked it to be. Displaying it in today's hysterical news format is difficult , because of the disconnectedness to time and place (Nixon 2011) . When using decades as time unit and earth as the location, the news aspect gets largely diffused . The lack of vis ual evidence and the fact that one can't physically touch the thing that is being discussed can feel

Monday, November 4, 2019

Case Study Of Shakira Suffering from Rheumatic Heart Disease

1.In the present case study, Shakira is suffering from Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) which refers to the condition of damaged heart valves due to episodes of acute rheumatic fever (ARF). ARF leads to inflammation of the heart, as a result of which the normal blood flow is restricted. The complications arising due to this condition include endocarditis and stroke (Rothenbà ¼hler et al., 2014). Social determinants of health influence an individual’s health outcome, and for Shakira the two significant social determinants are unemployment and social isolation. These two factors have led to inadequate access to healthcare. Living in an isolated rural area and the poor economic condition has restricted the sufficient access to healthcare that could have a prevented the occurrence of RHD. Unemployment has a negative impact on the decision making process around care provided to an individual. In the present case, Shakira’s mother’s poor economic condition has led to an improper care approach towards Shakira (Roberts et al., 2015). As per reports, aboriginal individuals suffer more chances of developing RHD than the nonindigenous population, and this chance is 64 times greater (rhdaustralia.org.au, 2017). 2.Cultural awareness refers to the capability of a healthcare professional in being aware and knowledgeable about the cultural beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals that are distinctly different. A nurse needs to carry out research to become aware of the cultural background of Shakira and have a successful interaction (Holland, 2017). 3.Cultural sensitivity refers to the ability of a healthcare professional to perceive the cultural similarities and dissimilarities between two different individuals in a positive approach without disrespecting the other individual. A nurse needs to acknowledge the cultural beliefs and values of Shakira and not underestimate them while communicating with her (Norton & Marks-Maran, 2014). 4.The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 had been established to promote the level of self-sufficiency and independence of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. The Act had been significant for focusing on the development of economic as well as the cultural status of this population through different programs (Willis et al., 2016). 5.The impact of colonisation on the health outcomes of the Aboriginal population is noteworthy. The reduced life expectancy of the population and the high rate of prevalence of a number of health conditions can be linked to the suffering and turmoil experienced by this population as a result of the colonisation. Due to the colonisation, there have been chaos and disturbances that have ultimately led to disputes and poor economic growth. Development and growth in different domains have been restricted to a considerable extent. The Aboriginals have therefore suffered physical and mental health concerns arising from loss, abuse and anguish. Disconnection from the mainland and non-indigenous population have added to the issues (Griffiths et al., 2016). 6.Consultation with community representatives would be a key approach to be taken on the enrolled nurse’s part in establishing an effective communication and building rapport that is culturally safe and appropriate. A community representative would be in a better position to understand the ethnic and cultural beliefs and systems of the aboriginal patient. A consultation with the representative would ensure that his advice is taken while communicating with the aboriginal individual. The representative would be helpful in guiding the manner in which the cultural beliefs are to be respected and acknowledged while communicating. In this way, the preferences of the patient would be included in his care plan (Willis et al., 2016). 7.Since Shakira and her family live in a remote rural area belonging to mostly indigenous population, chances are there that there might be a language barrier between the nurse and them. For avoiding any issues while consulting for Shakira and engaging in effective communication, it is required to have an interpreter who can foster the verbal communication. The second method that would be suitable for effective communication is understanding the level of education of the concerned individuals. Lower education level influences poor knowledge of healthcare. This is to be acknowledged, and communication is to rest upon this factor (Daly et al., 2017). 8.Displaying Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander art and posters that are visible from the entrance to the building would ensure that Shakira and her family feel comfortable since such an approach would indicate a culturally safe and sensitive environment. Shakira and her family would feel that their cultural is being valued and respected by the care givers (Norton & Marks-Maran, 2014). 9.I have the knowledge that indigenous culture and history play an important role in shaping the interaction they have with their counterparts. The culture and the value system that they uphold are responsible for creating a disconnection between the indigenous and non-indigenous population. The nonindigenous population does not perceive the perceptions of the indigenous population in a positive manner and thus isolate them from the mainstream population. As a result of this, the later have been socially excluded and live in remote rural areas, further aggravating the concern of insufficient communication between the two groups (Holland, 2017). 10.Insufficient use of healthcare services is the first indicator of culturally unsafe practice. In such situation, the individual might not be provided with adequate care resources. The second indicator would be situations in which the health care professional would not acknowledge the concerns of the indigenous patient in relation to any health complication (Ray, 2016). Burden of Disease. (2017).  Rheumatic Heart Disease Australia. Retrieved 19 October 2017, from https://www.rhdaustralia.org.au/burden-disease Daly, J., Speedy, S., & Jackson, D. (2017).  Contexts of nursing : An introduction. Elsevier Health Sciences. Griffiths, K., Coleman, C., Lee, V., & Madden, R. (2016). How colonisation determines social justice and Indigenous health—a review of the literature.  Journal of Population Research,  33(1), 9-30. Holland, K. (2017).  Cultural awareness in   nursing and health care: an introductory text. CRC Press. Norton, D., & Marks-Maran, D. (2014). Developing cultural sensitivity and awareness in nursing overseas.  Nursing Standard,  28(44), 39-43. Ray, M. A. (2016).  Transcultural caring dynamics in nursing and health care. FA Davis. Roberts, K. V., Maguire, G. P., Brown, A., Atkinson, D. N., Remenyi, B., Wheaton, G., ... & Carapetis, J. (2015). Rheumatic heart disease in Indigenous children in northern Australia: differences in prevalence and the challenges of screening.  The Medical Journal of Australia,  203(5), 221. Rothenbà ¼hler, M., O'Sullivan, C. J., Stortecky, S., Stefanini, G. G., Spitzer, E., Estill, J., ... & Pilgrim, T. (2014). Active surveillance for rheumatic heart disease in endemic regions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence among children and adolescents.  The Lancet Global Health,  2(12), e717-e726. Willis, E., Reynolds, L., & Keleher, H. (Eds.). (2016).  Understanding the Australian health care system. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Online courses and traditional courses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Online courses and traditional courses - Essay Example Ideally, there are various online educational methods, which are relevantly effective to well-organized, mature, motivated, and self-disciplined students with perfect time management skills. This is an argumentative essay on online courses and traditional courses. Body Merits and Demerits of Traditional Courses The traditional courses have various merits that include the presence of networking opportunities. Indeed, as students meet face-to-face, they develop contacts that will lead to more networking opportunities. Moreover, students in traditional universities have the opportunity of using the campus facilities that may include libraries, stadiums, gyms, student’s unions that work to the benefit of the student. In addition, this form of education creates a discovery experience where international students mature, embrace diversity, and grow socially. Most, assuredly, the direct interaction with lecturers and fellow students ensures that the student gets quality education thr ough discussions and availability of instructions (Sorrentino, 2011). Furthermore, traditional education compels students to abide with the set rules and regulations as well as following timetables. This has long-term benefits where such students become organized, law-abiding citizens, and creates a rational society. However, there are many demerits attached to traditional a course that makes one to reconsider the idea of enrolling in traditional university. For instance, traditional courses are very expensive as compared to online courses. Indeed, traditional course will require a student to pay tuition fees and other additional fees that may include transport fees, accommodation fees, costs for food, and recreational fees. As such, for poor families, affording quality traditional education becomes a huge challenge especially where there are no government subsidies or social welfare assistance. Indeed, there is a high likelihood of schooling abandonment due to lack of fees to tradi tional courses. At the same time, traditional courses are so stationary and immobile since students follow a set program, assessment measures, set timetables, and set rules and regulations that are not flexible (Sorrentino, 2011). This inflexibility sometimes annoys and stresses students leading to poor performance and school abandonment. As such, this may lead to serious scheduling challenges where students must travel and attend classes despite transport problems or commitments to other activities. Indeed, for students pursuing higher education and working at the same time, traditional courses may limit their success. Additionally, the immobility requires all resources and activities to congest in one room. At the same time, traditional courses may bear aspects of limited personal attention especially where colleges and universities admit so many students in one program. This leads to poor quality of education as the lecturer-student interaction becomes ineffective. With this, we can argue that traditional courses are not entirely effective. Indeed, if we consider the merits of online courses, we would seemingly prefer the latter. Effectiveness of Online courses Actually, there is rampant growth of online enrollment in the modern education system. This resulted from the global recession that led to poor economic status leading to inability to further education in traditional courses. In addition, the growth in technology and flexibility of