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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Myers Brigg Type Indicator, And The Four Dimensions Of...

Myers-Brigg Type Indicator The Myers-Brigg Assessment, and the four dimensions of personality types based on the findings of Carl Jung, Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs, indicates Katie as an ISFJ (intuitive, sensing, feeling, and judging). People falling into this category are often known as nurturers. Additionally, individuals of this personality type tend to be practical, and sensitive towards other’s feelings. These traits make the ISFJ personality ideal for careers such as counseling where they are needed to give practical and emotional support. ISFJ personality types are reliable, and exhibit a strong sense of responsibility and duty (Sharf, 2013). Moreover, this personality type prefers organization, planning, and schedules, (Neukrug Fawcett, 2015); qualities that Katie has presented in her coaching positions. These characteristics have been noted in jobs that Katie has held. Furthermore, ISFJ individuals carry high standards of work ethic (ISFJ-Introverted, Se nsing, feeling, Judging). Careers where they serve others best suit their personality style. Both of Katie’s career pursuits necessitate serving others. ISFJ’s are warm, sensitive to others feelings, and value kindness; additional qualities essential qualities to being a genuine counselor and caring, nurturing, supportive coach (Portrait of an ISFJ, 2015). Krumboltz’s Social Learning Theory The Social Learning Theory developed by John Krumboltz is based on social learning asShow MoreRelatedEssay On Myers Briggs Type Indicator1465 Words   |  6 PagesMyers–Briggs Personality Indicator Introduction The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on the Jung’s theory of psychological types. The test is a self-report questionnaire that gives insight in how people interpret the world around them. This can be significantly important, as it can help someone better understand themselves, as well as their relationships, education, career, and role in the workplace. The MBTI was was developed by Katharine Cook Briggs together with her daughter IsabelRead MoreRecruitment Selection: Myers Briggs1568 Words   |  7 PagesThe Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI) is a psychometric test used to measure psychological preferences in how a person makes decisions and perceives their surrounding environment. A mother-daughter pair, Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers developed the test based on the typological theories of Carl Gustav Jung. After more than fifty-years of research and development, the MBTI has become the most widely used and respected personality tool. Eighty-nine compa nies out of the US Fortune 100 make useRead MorePersonality Testing And The Benefits Essay1138 Words   |  5 PagesThis paper will take a brief look at personality testing and the benefits it has in the workplace. Support for the use of personality tests, as well as some of the features of these types of tests will be explored. In addition, some of the less desirable aspects of personality testing will also be examined. There is some disagreement among psychologist on the use of personality tests, specifically the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which will also be discussed. Additional information, as it pertainsRead MoreSelf Awareness And Self Acceptance904 Words   |  4 Pagesare uniquely composed of characteristic traits, defining who they are and how they are perceived. Robbins, Decenzo, and Coulter (2015) defines personality as â€Å"the unique combination of emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns that affect how a person reacts to a situations and interacts with others† (pg. 254). Comprehending the facets of personality is the underling factor acquired to increase self awareness and self acceptance. It is the fundamental aspect of identifying individual strengthsRead MoreDifferential Psychology : Cognitive Ability1723 Words   |  7 PagesThese domains include differences in behavior, personality, cognition, orientation and affect. Differential psychology focuses on these domains, by studying differences in our actions, emotions, intelligences, needs and activities. (Revelle, Wilt, Condon, 2011). This paper will review four domains of individual differences: cognitive ability, personality, orientation (values and interests) and affective disposition. It will also focus on personality, explaining major ideas, themes and theoristsRead MorePersonality Analysis and the Study of Organizational Behavior1704 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Topic and why it was chosen Personality was chosen as the topic of research in the realm of organizational behavior because In order for managers to predict behavior, they must know the personalities of those who work for them, (Personality and Values, n.d.). Personality is also crucial to organizational behavior because the personality of individuals will impact quantitative measures such as productivity. Furthermore, the personality of the people working for an organization servesRead MoreAssessment Tools Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pagesinterests, ability/intellectual levels, achievement levels, and personality types. Through the use of assessment tools like the Common Core Measures of Academic Progress (Common Core MAP), The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), The Student Interest Survey for Career Clusters, The Brigance Early Childhood Screens III, The Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory, and The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personality Indicator. Interests 1. The Student Interest Survey for CareerRead MoreEvaluation of Myers-Briggs1910 Words   |  8 PagesRunning head: TEST REVIEW AND CRITIQUE The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Abstract The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used extensively by educators, counselors, and other professionals. Based on Jungs theory of psychological types, the psychodynamic model of the MBTI is useful for self-understanding and life-long development. MBTI type descriptions characterize 16 types at their best; provide positive, self-affirming goals; and note blind spots and problems to avoid. The MBTI problem-solvingRead MoreThe Keirsey Temperament Sorter And The Big Five Personality Test1200 Words   |  5 Pages Personality is defined as the unique way in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels throughout life (Ciccarelli, 2014). Numerous individuals are curious in regards to their actions and how their mind works, thus leading companies to create personality tests, in order to provide individuals with some perspective on their personality. While individuals can take personality tests for leisure, personality tests are often utilized in situations such as job interviews, dia gnosing mental disordersRead MoreExam Paper7169 Words   |  29 PagesChapter 4 Personality and Values MULTIPLE CHOICE Personality 1. Which of the following statements about personality is correct? a. Personality is always stable. b. Personality is a part of a person. c. Personality is an aggregate whole. d. Personality is for the most part comprised of traits that cannot be measured. e. Personality is the primary source of emotions in most people. (c; Easy; Personality; p. 105) 2. Which of the following statements about the

Monday, December 16, 2019

Research Task for Childcare Free Essays

Unit 4 – Keeping Children Safe Hand in Date – 21st May 2012Â   Explain how strategies to establish and maintain healthy, safe and secure environments in early years settings are supported by legislations. E1. Identify legislation which influences healthy, safe and secure environments for early years settings. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Task for Childcare or any similar topic only for you Order Now List 10 of the main laws that underpin the provision of healthy, safe and secure environments for young children. Give the full title and date. D1. Explain how legislation can support strategies to establish and maintain healthy, safe and secure environments in early years settings. Write about how relevant laws support ways to keep the environment of settings healthy, safe and secure. At least 3 ways which may include: having policies and procedures, regulatory body inspections, staff ratios, CRB checks, working with parents and other professionals, training, resources. ————————————————- Task 2 Describe the environment and procedures necessary to keep children safe who: * Receives a bump on the head Has an asthma attack * Has sickness and diarrhoea * Shows symptoms and signs of meningitis E2. Describe the procedures which will keep a child safe for each accident, illness or emergency. For each accident, illness or emergency listed in the assignment task, describe the procedures that will keep the child safe. State the main aims of the procedures, e. g. asthma attack – Administration of medicines procedure will clearly set out what the practitioner should do. D2. Explain how establishing a safe environment can support the procedures necessary for accidents, illnesses and emergencies. Associated essay: Childcare Level 2, Unit 2 Assignment Write about how creating an environment in the setting which is safe will help appropriate procedures for accidents, illnesses and emergencies to be written, implemented and understood by everyone in the setting. Produce a booklet covering all these accidents and emergencies. ————————————————- Task 3 Plan the care for a child aged 1 year and a child aged 3 years for a full day in the setting AND: * Consider ways to maintain the security and privacy of the children and to respect their wishes. E3. Plan the appropriate care of a child aged 1 for a full day in the setting. Provide a care plan that shows understanding of how to meet the overall care and development needs of a child aged 1 year for a full day in the setting. E4. Plan the appropriate care of a child aged 3 years for a full day in the setting. Provide a care plan that shows understanding of how to meet the overall care and development needs of a child aged 3 years for a full day in the setting. B1. Consider possible ways to maintain the safety and privacy of children and respect their wishes. Think about and give information about how the practitioner can maintain safety, privacy and respect for children’s wishes. Give 4 examples which could include: following policies/procedures, understanding children’s rights, consulting children, sensitive understanding, confidentiality, working with parents, multi-agency team working. Must include a reference. ————————————————- Task 4 Write a handout for a staff meeting to consider how the practitioner can provide an enabling physical environment for children. The handout should include: * The issues that affect the planning of a challenging environment for children. * An evaluation of TWO initiatives that influence the provision of challenging environments for children. The importance of helping children to manage risk and challenge in their environment. E5. Describe the issues that affect planning of a challenging environment for children. Write about what affects the planning of a challenging environment for children. Give 5 issues whi ch may include: policies/procedures, children’s rights, type of setting, resources, health and safety, supervision, age/stage/abilities of children, consulting children. E7. Explain the importance of helping children to manage risk and challenge in their environment. Give reasons why it is important for children to be helped to learn to assess and manage risk and challenge. Reasons could include: why children need adult help, the benefits of risk and challenge – develop life skills, understand consequences of actions, explore limits in a controlled environment, learn to take responsibility/ balance their rights against those of others, make choices/decisions, effects on holistic development. E6. Describe the initiatives which influence the provision of challenging environments for children. Write about an international, national and local initiatives/schemes that influence the provision of challenging environments for children, e. g. Forest Schools, children’s play initiatives, local play policies. C1. Evaluate how the TWO initiatives contribute to the provision of an enabling environment for children. A development of E6. Consider how TWO (2) of the initiatives described in E6 help to ensure the environment for the children supports their development through appropriate experiences and empowerment. ————————————————- Task 5 Include in the handout an explanation of the ways that meeting the care needs of children can affect practitioners and possible sources of support for practitioners. A1. Discuss the effect on practitioners of meeting the care needs of children. 5 detailed considerations of how and why practitioners may be affected when meeting the care needs of children and the range of support available. Effects must be positive and negative. Task 4 and 5 will be in form of a handout. Remember throughout to include: E8. Show an understanding of diversity and inclusive practice. This criterion will be met if throughout you show understanding of the importance of identifying and meeting the individual needs and rights of children and their families. AND E9. Include references and a bibliography. At least TWO (2) references must be made in the text to relevant books, articles, magazines or websites. These are sources of information and the sources used should be listed at the end of the assignment in a bibliography. Sources of background reading can also be included in the bibliography. YOUR COMPLETED WORK SHOULD NOT EXCEED 3500 WORDS. THERE IS NO LOWER WORD LIMIT. WORK THAT IS MORE THAN 10% ABOVE THE WORD LIMIT WILL NOT BE MARKED. REFERENCES AND QUOTATIONS WITHIN THE TEXT ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE WORD LIMIT. How to cite Research Task for Childcare, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Language Related Tasks free essay sample

We can put off sleeping for a limilted period. Meaning To decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later date or time * Concept questions: Do we want to do this now? No Will we delay this until a later time? Yes Will we complete it at some point in the future? Yes Other examples: A businessman who puts off a meeting or an important decision, students who put off doing their assignments, an engaged couple who puts off their wedding. Extension: An engaged couple may put off their wedding if they don’t have enough money saved up to pay for it. Students may put off doing their homework until it’s almost too late. Form Put off (verb+ adverb) is a transitive phrasal verb. Put off is normally followed by an object. In the example above the object is sleeping (verb+ing form, acting as a noun) Put off is also separable, i. We will write a custom essay sample on Language Related Tasks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page e. you can separate the verb part from the adverb. However, if you change the direct object to a pronoun, i. e. , it, it then becomes inseparable (see examples below) We can put it off for a limited period. v We can put off it for a limited period. X Pronunciation We can put off sleeping for a limited period p? There is one syllable in each part of the verb phrase. The main stress is placed on the first syllable. The underscore represents a link between the two words i. e. , there is no interruption of airflow between them. Appropriacy Put off is fairly neutral in appropriacy. There are other more formal words which may be used such as, delay or postpone. These may be used in such contexts as a letter regarding a change in schedule of a dental appointment. Anticipated problems or solutions: 1. Problem: Ss may confuse the meaning of to put off , i. e. elay, postpone), with another meaning such as to discourage. Ss will therefore be confused with the concept of the whole sentence. Solution: Use the CQs above to show that in this context, to put off means to delay rather than to deter someone from something. Elicit examples of other contexts as in the examples in the section on meaning. Problem: Ss may confuse the spelling of off with of. Solution: Elicit the correct spelling using examples su ch as, a piece of cake and off and on. Problem: Ss may pronounce the phasal verb as two separate words producing a plosive sound between the two syllables. Solution: Drill the two words separately and then together so that ss can detect the difference in air flow. (/p? t/ /? f/ and /p? t? f/) *Cambridge Dictionaries Online Lexis 2 †¦the unpleasant symptoms we suffer Meaning Signs or indications of a disorder or disease, which are not pleasing. Concept Questions: Do we feel well? No Are there any signs to tell us that we feel unwell? Yes What kind of signs do we have? Sore eyes, headache etc. Is our condition life threatening? No Will the conditions probably go away? Yes Form Unpleasant (adjective) symptoms (noun, plural) N. B. The word pleasant can be formed by simply removing the negative prefix un-. Pronunciation †¦the unpleasant symptoms we suffer /? nplez? nt s? mpt? mz/ There are 5 syllables within the phrase. The main stresses occur on the second syllable of unpleasant and the first syllable of symptoms. The schwa sound present in /? nplez? nt/ links the 2nd and 3rd syllable almost merging the two. (/? nplez? nt/) Anticipated problems and solutions Problems: Ss may pronounce /? nplez? nt/ as /? npli:z? nt/ because they are confusing it with the verb, to please. Solution: Model and drill the sound plez/ followed by the whole word /? nplez? nt/. Give other examples of lexis with the same spelling and pronunciation e. g. , pleasure, peasant , etc. Problems: The sound /mpt/ may prove to be difficult for ss to pronounce. Solution: Drill the pronunciation of the individual letters m,p ,t. Drill the sound /mpt/ then finally the whole word. Practical English Usage New Edition by Michael Swan. Grammar 1 †¦everything that has happened to us during the day. Meaning (Of an event in time) to come about or has taken place; has occurred. Concept questions: Did this take place in the past? Yes Do we know exactly when this took place? No Is this still taking place now? No Are we thinking about the past and the present or both? Both Other examples: Many things have happened since you left. What has happened to our economy? [pic] Form Has happened is the present perfect of the verb to happen (has/have + past participle) Has is the auxiliary verb, to have and is used for the third person conjugation (he/she/it) Pronunciation †¦everything that has happened to us during the day. /h? z h? p? nd/ There are three syllables within the verb pattern. The main stress lies on the first syllable of happened. There is no extra stress on the ‘pp’ in happened. Anticipated problems and solutions Problem: Ss may not understand the difference in meaning between the present perfect (has happened) and the simple perfect (happened). Solution: Use CQs to help explain that you cannot use the present perfect to refer to a particular point in time unlike the present simple, (demonstrate this on the timeline) Provide e. g: my cat has died and my cat died on the 30th June 2012. Problem: Ss may omit has and only use happened thinking that this is acceptable. Solution: Elicit from students whether we need to add or omit the auxiliary verb to in different sentences. Problem: Ss may exaggerate the pronunciation of the /p/ sound in happened because it contains a double ‘p’. Solution: Separate the two syllables of happened as /h? p/ and /? nd/. Drill separately then drill natural model. Collins English Dictionary Third Edition Grammar 2 †¦but sooner or later we will be asleep. Expressing a prediction about being in a state of sleep in the future Concept Questions: Are we asleep now? No Will we be asleep in the future? Yes But do we know for certain that we will be sleeping in the future? No Form †¦but sooner or later we will be asleep. (future auxiliary verb+ infinitive without to + adjective) N. B. The future auxiliary shall can be used to replace will. The subject pronoun, we can merge with auxiliary verb will to form we’ll, /wi? l/ Pronunciation /w? l bi: ? sli:p/ (alternative, /? sli:p/) will be asleep Of the 4 syllables present the stress is put mainly on the 2nd and the last. Anticipated problems and solutions Problem: Ss may confuse the adjective asleep with the noun (or verb), sleep.