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Friday, May 22, 2020

A Successful International Business Manager Essay - 707 Words

A Multinational Manager Every corporation has to look out for itself and protect the investments of it’s owners and shareholders while fulfilling the mission and goals of the corporation. To achieve success a corporation typically employs managers. This is all fine and normal until the corporation decides to become a Multinational Corporation. Keeping control becomes a worrisome and arduous task. If the now multinational corporation chooses the wrong manager with the wrong set of skills difficulties are sure to plague the organization. It is critical that any corporation but especially a multinational corporation looking to be successful, competitive and possibly an industry leader have the right manager for the job. A successful international business manager comes from a very deliberate schooling According to Gail Cohen’s article â€Å"Characteristics of a Multinational Manager†, multinational managers speak the language. Imagine trying to have daily conversations with potential business partners, clients or even employees without being able to speak the language. Having command of the local dialect goes a long ways towards establishing trust and respect. Multinational corporate managers should be â€Å"masters of their jobs† (Gail Cohen). Managers should be given time and training to become experts in their job and develop the corporate loyalty that is critical to leaders in a multinational corporation where expatriated workers are away from the comforts of home and theShow MoreRelatedThe Qualities of a Successful International Leader Essay614 Words   |  3 PagesIt can be concluded that a manager who works in an international company or in an international environm ent needs a variety of key qualities to be successful as an international leader. In general a manager needs to have good leadership skills, which allow him to gain trust, give direction, and delegate responsibility amongst his staff. 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